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New Year Inspiration – Gifts That Lift

Picture of a smiling woman giving you some freshly picked flowers from within a greenhouse tunnel

 Sometimes the smallest of gestures can have the largest of impacts

So, for those times when we want to show someone they matter, here are some ideas to help is reflect on the many ways we can do that:

Special Delivery  – why not consider a hamper, flowers, chocolate, skincare or bath products. If you are having trouble deciding what sort of hamper to get, give Fiona your Development Officer a call, or drop them an email outlining the nature of the need and she can help provide you with options!

Just Because You’re Great  – these kinds of gifts can be smaller but just as meaningful. Maybe they love puzzles, prints, books or plants. What would brighten their day?

A Night Out With A Friend – sometimes a nice time away from it all can make a world of difference. Maybe it’s a trip to the movies and some dinner or an afternoon tea somewhere fancy, it could even be a Spa Day!

Just for Them – what are they in need of? A massage, acupuncture, a hair appointment and there is that Spa Day option again!

The Gift Of Time – busy parents and carers especially need some alone time. At the top of the gift options would be a night or two away in a hotel but sometimes just paying for a few nights of baby sitting and giving them back a Friday night or two or four, can help give someone back their spark.

Building People Up – consider paying for a course. They may have a special interest like pottery or woodwork or maybe they need that extra course to help them move up in life.

Mental Health – it has been a hard few years for everyone and sometimes we all need that extra help to sort things out in our minds and hearts. You can help with counselling sessions or subscriptions to apps that specialise in mental health.

Physical Health – whether they are struggling with an injury that would benefit from therapies or medicinal needs not covered by our NHS, maybe you can help with a gift to access them.