Generosity Stories

Here are a few inspirational stories from our group members.

Grace’s Story, Support for a family after a job loss

One day Grace was chatting with a local mum. She learned that her husband had lost his previous job which had been keeping them afloat. In order to make ends meet he had taken a lower paid shift work job in which he was working ridiculous hours, putting lots of strain on the family. Despite his efforts there was still “too much month left at the end of the money”.  Grace asked her if she could make a request to her Common Change group, to alleviate some pressure, whilst her husband found a more suitable job. Her friend was really touched by the offer and the group were able to help provide the equivalent to four of her weekly grocery supplies.

Karen & Rob, Supporting a family in need

Friends of Karen and Rob had their savings wiped out when a severe storm damaged their roof and their insurance company failed to cover it. When car trouble hit too, it left them struggling to get to work and with three kids to support, the stress was taking its toll.  Karen and Rob notified their Common Change Group, who were happy to gift £750 towards the purchase of a secondhand car; a gift that enabled the family, hit by so many setbacks, to get back on its feet.

Phil, Stretford Life Group – Supporting community connections

In hopes of encouraging others to be involved in the community, Phil wanted to make a gift of financial support to a local support worker who supported families within a local estate.   After a long summer of Covid and provisions supplied to struggling families, it was suggested that they wrap up the Summer with a street party for everyone.  To help lift the mood and reconnect neighbours after so much time being apart, Phil’s group gifted the community £150 to help make this happen.

Laura, Supporting young talent

Laura met a young person through her lodger. As she came to know them, she realised he was a very passionate self taught musician. One day he was playing on her piano when it came to light that he didn’t actually have a keyboard.  To practice, the young man either had to stay late at school or borrow a friend’s keyboard. Laura’s group, wanting to encourage a young person to pursue their passions, gifted him with £120 towards a keyboard. A few weeks later, Laura invited him to a small neighbourhood meetup where he was pleased to come along and play for them, including some songs that he’d written himself!

Malc, Support for a friend struggling

A friend was struggling with stress, anxiety, dizziness and panic attacks. Malcolm and his group were able to connect them with a great chiropractor for treatment and each week with Malcolm’s wife driving them to their doctor visits.  This really made a difference in their condition. Knowing that people care and want to help, can make a world of difference.

Adam, Pandemic support delivering food parcels

A group member, working as a teacher, informed Adam’s group that there were children and families at her school, who would be facing half-term with little food in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. The group responded quickly and were able to put together and deliver 20 food parcels. Whilst it didn’t resolve the long-term issue of food poverty, the group met a real need and demonstrated to those families that people care.

Fiona’s Story, The OT Hive Community Fund – Welcoming refugees

Having heard from a friend who helps to care for the refugee community in her area, Fiona raised a request to help meet the needs of two new families who wanted to set up their own tailoring services.  As her Common Change Group was new, with low funds available, Fiona connected with another local group, to meet the need in full! The gift has enabled two women with wonderful skills, to utilise those skills to help support their families.

Stephen’s Story, Supporting a foster family

When Stephen’s friends embarked on the journey of fostering children, he wanted to support them in any way possible. A lengthy process finally resulted in the news they were about to welcome their first child, however, they were in need of some furniture for the child’s room. Stephen raised a request for support and the North East Generosity Circle gifted £150 towards the items.

Claire’s Story, Supporting a local volunteer

After learning that a volunteer at her local community wellbeing centre did not have a washing machine and that the cost and inconvenience of taking her washing to the laundrette was mounting up; Claire resolved to help. After sourcing and purchasing a quality washing machine, Claire’s group arranged for the delivery and installation in the volunteer’s home. The gift was well received with the gesture making a marked difference to her daily life.